by Peter MacKercher | Aug 11, 2015 | blog, Real Estate Business, Starter Series
There are moments when everyone questions what they’re doing for a living and why. Maybe that question is what started your interest in real estate investing. Maybe that question is the exact reason you’re here reading this. Everyone gets burned...
by Peter MacKercher | Jul 28, 2015 | blog, Starter Series
Everyone can learn from good examples as well as mistakes; anyone who has the former has made many more of the latter. I have a few general rules when it comes to investing in real estate. One of those cardinal rules — only buy property in areas...
by Peter MacKercher | Jul 7, 2015 | blog, Real Estate Business, Starter Series
Here’s the rule: At any given time a lot of expensive things can go wrong.Any homeowner can tell you that. Anyone who owns multiple properties will tell you that in more colorful language. If you’re setting out to become a real estate investor there’s only one way...
by Peter MacKercher | Jun 20, 2015 | blog, Landlording, Starter Series
I learned the property management business by doing it myself, so, first and foremost, I think everyone should learn property management firsthand to start. I’m even saying this as the owner of a property management company – knowing what the job requires means...
by Peter MacKercher | Jun 6, 2015 | blog, Finances, Starter Series
Starting your career in real estate investment isn’t cheap. It’s a major hurdle to overcome for many people but there are also many ways you can find the finances and create a situation that makes it possible. There are several options available to make your first...
by Peter MacKercher | May 23, 2015 | blog, Real Estate Market, Starter Series, STL
If you live in St. Louis you’re used to hearing it: “City or county?” Locals have many ways of asking where you went to high school, but it’s also an important question when looking for investment properties. The city and the county offer varying lifestyles, so in my...