by Zoplex | Sep 29, 2023 | Property, Real Estate Business, Real Estate Market, STL
Why you Should Invest in St. Louis Real Estate Welcome back, property aficionados! If you’re just tuning in, you’ve landed smack dab in the middle of our deep dive into the St. Louis County real estate scene. But don’t fret; here’s a quick...
by Zoplex | Sep 28, 2023 | Property, Real Estate Business, Real Estate Market, STL
Why you Should Invest in St. Louis Real Estate Welcome to the ultimate guide on St. Louis County’s real estate landscape! If you’ve been on the hunt for actionable insights, market trends, and investment strategies in this dynamic region, you’ve hit...
by Peter MacKercher | Jul 28, 2016 | Real Estate Market, STL
Keeping Pace with Predictions St. Louis’s real estate market has performed more or less as predicted, and what’s interesting about that is that there were so many predictions for our local market for 2016. The city was mentioned in many articles about...
by Peter MacKercher | May 23, 2015 | Real Estate Market, Starter Series, STL
If you live in St. Louis you’re used to hearing it: “City or county?” Locals have many ways of asking where you went to high school, but it’s also an important question when looking for investment properties. The city and the county offer varying lifestyles, so in my...